Working Together

Invest in Yourself, Invest in Your Business

Why You Should Work With Me

Delegating specific tasks to me is more than just paying a bill at the end of the month. It is an investment in your business and an investment in yourself.
Not only can I ease your day-to-day work load, I can also provide an insightful role from a different perspective.

Starting The Process

Getting started can be quite daunting, especially if there are a number of areas you need my assistance with. You have come this far and that is the first step. Next, write down all the areas you require my assistance with. Finally, get in touch with me today.

What You Will Lose

When you look at the basics of what you will lose and compare them to what you will gain by working with me, you will see why investing in my services is one of the best decisions you could make.

  • Annual salaries 
  • Employee taxes 
  • Sick days
  • Annual leave 
  • Pension contributions

What You Will Gain

You will gain so much more than is listed below. I'm fully competent in the services I offer, there is no need for micromanagement, all of the work I undertake is completed to an executive standard.

  • Increased productivity 
  • Increased flexibility
  • Control of the hours
  • Dedication to each specific task
  • Assignments completed to an improved standard


My hourly rate is £35; alongside this I offer a Basic Retainer and Retainer Packages. Which start from as little as 1 hour a month. A standard hours booking is a fantastic option if you require one off tasks.You are not tied into anything, and if you decide you require further time,all you need to do is let me know. My Basic Retainer will secure 1 hour of my time, scheduled into a timeframe set by you. For example, you may require me to post a social media update once per month - the Basic Retainer would secure and prioritise that task. The beauty of the Packaged Retainer is you can adapt it to work on a weekly or monthly basis dependant on your business needs. Packaged retainers between 10-50 hours may be booked at a discounted rate. My Packaged Retainer is perfect for regular ongoing support and assistance. This could be making your travel arrangements, invoicing your clients, sending quotes to your prospective customers or creative content management. I offer a wide variety of services tailored to meet your needs. However many hours you require, once we have made contact, we can arrange a time to discuss all of your needs and I will create a bespoke service for you.

Why You Cannot Carry Over Hours

I don’t offer a carry-over service for Retainer Packages. This is because the packages I offer are designed time-specific. After we have established the areas I will be focusing on, we then create an allocated time block to complete each specific task. Everything is taken into account when I create your bespoke package; this includes time spent researching a task, all the way through to it's final completion. If you decide that you wish to reduce the amount of work you are outsourcing to me, all you need to do is drop me an email giving 28 days’ notice. If you decide you need to add more hours, again, all you need to do is drop me an email. I will contact you at a time convenient to you to discuss your requests and to implement a schedule.

My Belief

I am a firm believer that you get back what you put in this life. I believe that if you work hard enough you will succeed; but I do also understand the hours and commitment a business requires to thrive can sometimes be extremely overwhelming. Some days you may feel as if the hours have slipped away and your whole day has been consumed by trivial but vital tasks, leaving you no time or energy to focus on growing your business and more importantly, achieving the dreams you have worked so hard to reach.

By outsourcing these tasks you save the one vital factor your business needs to survive, your time.

Time management is a necessity to being successful in business. Delegating certain aspects of the daily running of your business will allow you more time to focus on growth and profit.

Whether it be invoicing, email management, diary management or event planning and business growth, I can alleviate the pressure drastically and allow you to concentrate on the bigger tasks at hand.

It’s not just work environments that can be hectic, family life can be, too. In fact, it’s often far more work to run a home and raise a family. Did you know that according to, on average stay-at-home parents work 97 hours a week?

Being a home-maker is a 24/7 job; there are no paid holidays, no sickness benefits, and very often, no one to cover for you when you feel under the weather. 

Just because your work doesn’t require you to leave the family home, there is no reason why I cannot be of help to you. 

Whether you simply need a peaceful half hour by yourself, someone to ensure your household accounts are in order, help with organising holidays and family (or after school) activities, or making boarding arrangements for your pets while you’re away, I can help.

I work with people just like you, helping to create a harmonious balance of parenting, family, and ‘you’ time.

Your time is precious, so do get in touch to see how I can help you make the most of it. 

Being a virtual assistant isn’t just a job for me, it’s something I am passionate about. I have used my professional experience in various sectors to create a successful, helpful and supportive business for my clients.

Please get in contact with me and let’s start the process of creating a more efficient you.


Amazing service, helped take the pressure of my workload by managing my social media platforms. Lizzi has gained me plenty of work from this. 10 out 10 service, highly recommend.
City Bollard Limited
Managing Director
I have mental health issues, anxiety being a massive part of that, Lizzi is not only so accurate and professional in sorting my bills and outgoings ect, she sorts my letters and appointments. Unlike other people I have tried, still being professional she always makes time to explain anything I am not sure of. She has an understanding of my m\health and is always there for reassurance... AMAZING work and Lizzi is so approachable HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
Nicole Collier
Lifestyle Client
Helps a lot with my business; for anyone that doesn't have the time to answer their social media messages, emails, making appointments etc it's worth giving Lizzi a shout.
Dean Warner
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